Tag Archives: alerts

UptimeRobot – Real time web monitoring!


We’d like to write a piece about this great little web monitoring site that we came across and have used to monitor out sites for some time now.

Accessible at UptimeRobot.com, the site allows you to monitor up to 50 sites, every 5 minutes, for free!

The GUI is lovely, the notifications – SMS, Twitter, email, web hooks or PUSH – are perfect and theĀ  number of monitors you can include for a particular site are just right. UR will allow you to monitor HTTP/S, Ping, Port and keywords too. You are able to view uptime, downtime, and response times as well as average downtime across a period of time.

And for those that really want to delve in, an API is also available for developers to use to integrate the service into their own apps.

Check it out, we think you’ll love it!