Tag Archives: Twitter

How to create a Twitter bot using Bot Libre

We have recently been involved with creating some Twitter bots to help us save time by automatically tweeting at set times. Although there are services that allow you to do this they do charge for full functionality whereas this service is free.

To create the bot you can use the steps given on the following page here: Bot Libre Twitter bot

We have so far created 3 and it saves a lot of time, we only use the feature of automatically tweeting but there is an endless feature set.

Let us know what you use yours for?

Apple Software – Tiny Grab

Tiny Grab
Tiny Grab

We landed upon this recently whilst looking for a piece of software that would conveniently allow us to take a screenshot and upload it online and enable us to share that link with others – instantly.

Enter Tiny Grab, developed by Company52, which allows you to do all the above seamlessly and effortlessly. What’s even better is the fact it doesn’t cost a penny which is something we really appreciate.

Some of the features include the following:

  • Automatic Image Uploading
  • Quick Image Sharing
  • Custom Server Uploading

Tiny Grab can be downloaded for Mac from http://tinygrab.com/download.php and for iPhone from the App Store

Twitter – key to higher follower numbers?

Twitter LogoThe basic answer is that you have to engage with your audience. Think of Twitter as an extension to your presence in real life.

Talk about things you’re doing, hobbies, jobs, where you are can help by attracting followers from the areas you’re visiting – FourSquare can really help here – check it out!

You should start using ‘#’ tags – this enables your tweets to show up more easily in searches on Twitter. For example, if you’re looking for help fixing your broken Vauxhall motorcar you would add #Vauxhall to your tweet. Anyone then searching for this will see your tweet – and don’t be surprised if you have a Vauxhall dealership or mechanic somewhere reply!

And most importantly do engage – that is the key word. If you have a BlackBerry, iPhone, Android phone there are apps for Twitter available. Otherwise you can access the site at mobile.twitter.com (data charges will apply, so if you don’t want to be charged check with your mobile provider first!)

And post often!

If you would like any further advice and tips just comment below and I’ll be happy to assist!

Twitter Tools: Some useful tools (and tips) to help you on your way!

So if you hadn’t already heard, Twitter is pretty big right now. And if you want to market your business or product successfully it’s recommended that you jump on the band wagon.

The following have all been tested by me, and are all 100% free to use.

I will write a small bit about each item and why I use it.

Unfollow Tools

Unfortunately in an attempt to cut spam on the site, Twitter limit the number of people you can follow. If you are following a greater number of people than are following you you will be unable to follow more at a certain point.
With these sites you are able to unfollow people who aren’t following you back so that you can even your numebrs out and follow more people.

  1. Friend Or Follow – www.friendorfollow.com
  2. Just Unfollow – www.justunfollow.com (By a long shot, the better service here)

All the above sites work well and are free to use. Play around with them.

Spam Removal

Unure whether your followers are genuine or not, use the following site to find out!

TwitBlock – www.twitblock.org

Notification when someone adds you to a list (Not essential but useful if you want to be able to thank that person)

ListNotify – http://ironmonkeyventures.com/listnotify/

Follow Friday

So, those of you who are new to the game may have heard of this term, but aren’t too sure what it’s about. Basically, every Friday you ‘tweet’ your favourite people on Twitter to your other followers using #FollowFriday @tobyw7 for example.

Like me, when you end up communicating with several people over the week it gets hard to choose who to mention.

With The Twitter Tag Projetct’s tool this is made simple by analyzing the people you have most been connecting with.

Make sure you’re logged in to Twitter on the web and it’ll let you tweet your #FollowFriday ‘s easily.

Find it here: The Twitter Tag Project – Follow Friday

Advanced Users

If you want to be able to send automated Direct Messages and more check out SocialOomph

Works well, and there are free and premium options available.

There are quite literally thousands of useful bits of software to help you utilise Twitter; check out OneForty for more of these.

Also I would like to add a link here to the Twitter Support page regarding follow limits and some other technical issues. Check it out here, it’s definitely worth a read: http://bit.ly/cxUQve
