Tag Archives: Windows

Need a free text editor? – Check out Notepad ++

Okay so it’s only available on Windows but then there are plenty of great editors already available for Linux and Mac so – what’s so great about this one you may ask.

Well – it’s free and what you get for the number of features available is tonnes of power and capability.

I know most dedicated web devs or programmers won’t necessarily be using Windows but for those who do try this out and let me know what you think.

I really do like it!

You can find it here: www.notepad-plus-plus.org

Keep IE default browser on Windows!

After having investigated – and obviously used Windows for a number of years in professional and non professional circumstances I have decided that it is undoubtedly better if you keep Internet Explorer as default web browser.

It is more or less integrated with Windows and I believe it just works better (and feels wrong) to set anything else above it.

As an adamant Mac user I have found the Internet Explorer 9 Beta to be fantastic, and recommend you check it out.

Let me know what you think?