Tag Archives: blogging

Resolved: WordPress redirect issue on multi-site config

We recently resolved an issue that we couldn’t quite resolve easily so thought we’d share the solution.

Sometimes you just have to go back to basics and start from the beginning.

On one of the sites we host, WordPress is configured with multi-site. There was one domain in use for the site and another one parked, that we wanted to point to the same document root. We had the parked domain set to use the WordPress root of the existing site thinking that should just load, but instead we were greeted with a Registration error. Registration for the site was disabled anyway, but as you were hitting the blog from another domain, the blog didn’t know what to do with it.

After much head scratching and searching, and going round in circles with multi-site help documents, it wasn’t that at all.

We needed to add one line of code to our WordPress config file – “noblog”

define( 'NOBLOGREDIRECT', 'http://www.fightify.com' );

Obviously, replace with the domain of your main blog. The result of this is, that if you hit your site from www.site1.com you will no longer get a signup page error, but the front page of your www.site2.com domain.

And in case you’re also wondering, as off WordPress 4.5 you don’t need any additional plugin for multi-site domain mapping – see here