Tag Archives: Free

Need a free text editor? – Check out Notepad ++

Okay so it’s only available on Windows but then there are plenty of great editors already available for Linux and Mac so – what’s so great about this one you may ask.

Well – it’s free and what you get for the number of features available is tonnes of power and capability.

I know most dedicated web devs or programmers won’t necessarily be using Windows but for those who do try this out and let me know what you think.

I really do like it!

You can find it here: www.notepad-plus-plus.org

Microsoft Security Essentials – I recommend it over others!

The first advantage of MSE is that it’s 100% free, and I would think most likely always will be… as it’s in Microsoft’s own interest to ensure that it’s client’s and customers are safe and secure whilst using their operating system!

The second advantage of it is that it’s going to be honed to the exact architecture and specific requirements of the OS.

Other things to mention are that it’s integrated directly with Windows/Microsoft update so virus definitions are updated automatically.

Basically the whole piece of software integrates beautifully with the Windows OS (Server versions also available!), it doesn’t slow the computer down unnecessarily and it doesn’t affect usage.

I’ve always said ‘why should you pay for software to protect you from viruses and malware, Microsoft should provide you with this protection’ and now they are finally doing that.

For personal, home and small business users this is perfect!

You can find the download link & more information here: http://www.microsoft.com/security_essentials/